Home & Business Entity Clearing


Home & Business Entity Clearing

Home and Business Entity Clearings are effective and appropriate whether you are moving into a new house, a new business building, or have lived or worked there for years.

Sessions involve evaluation of the space, checking for vortexes, and then clearing blocked energy from the space. At times this also requires the clearing of active energy from the space, which could be a soul that has passed and is holding on to either the people who live or work in the home or business.


$250 – 1,500 SF OR LESS
$350 – 1,600 SF – 2,400 SF
$450 – 2,500 SF – 3,400 SF
$550 – 3,500  SF – 4,400 SF


P: 858-220-1000

E: ronnie@aconnectiontoheal.com

Session Info

We don't share your info, its completely voluntary and we promise not to spam you with negative energy.


Ronnie's Spiritual Cottage is located behind Noni Salon in Leucadia.

704 N. Coast Hwy. Encinitas, CA 92024
