Reconnective Healing for Animals

Animals can reach more people and other animals globally than a person can. This means that when we raise the vibrational frequencies of our pets and animals in nature, we are making a positive and lasting “global movement” as animals become activated to the frequencies, they are able to do healing on others sharing this world.

What this means, is that animals play an important role in the healing and evolution of the earth and humanity. Reconnective Healing® for Animals contributes to an animals well being, peace of mind and physical health on a cellular level. It offers animals with physical ailments or who are recovering from an injury, surgery, illness or emotional imbalance relief. Even pets that have suffered from abuse or neglect have positive results. In turn, this work has resulted in a noticeable increase of adoptions at facilities where Reconnective Healing® has been administered. We have seen remarkable healings and positive changes in animals that have physical ailments or who are recovering from an injury, surgery, illness or emotional imbalance.